Reach Your Potential: Strategies for Building Self-Confidence and Overcoming Self-Doubt

Reach Your Potential: Strategies for Building Self-Confidence and Overcoming Self-Doubt

I remember when I was in school my teacher always used to encourage me to take part in activities such as  speech competition, debates, giving a presentation or speaking in front of the whole class/whole school. I initially hated it because I found it awkward and I was very shy as well. But then my teacher introduced me to some strategies for building self-confidence. My teacher also explained it to me that all these activities will help me in building confidence.

My teacher told me that this is the age and the platform where you can overcome self-doubt and become a confident person. My teacher said that as you are student, now you are in the learning phase and it is better to inculcate confidence in this age so that you don’t have to struggle with it later.

Since then I find out activities which help me in developing strategies for building self-confidence. In situations where I feel under-confident, I follow some hacks, do some self-talk and somehow I over come that situation and get over that block of fear.

If you also feel like you are under-confident or you need to reach the maximum limit of your confidence, then fear not. Here are some steps and by following them you can step out boldly into the light of your life. Let’s dive into some helpful strategies for building self-confidence !

1. Say No to Negative Talks: The first step that you need to take for overcoming self doubt is stopping the negative self-talk. Negative self-talk is when you talk about yourself negatively inside your brain, to yourself and not to somebody else. You need to understand that negative thoughts undermine the confidence. Whenever your brain or your inner self starts talking about you negatively, use some positive words for boosting self-esteem. Try to stop that thought and replace it with positive affirmations, if possible.

•For example : Instead of saying “I can’t do it” or “I won’t be able to do it”, say –  “It may be difficult now but I will learn and I will be able to do it one day, for sure”. For building self-confidence, you need to remind yourself that you are worthy of the success and you are capable enough to achieve it.

2. Ditch Your Comfort Zones: Everyone wants to be at ease and be comfortable but the truth is : comfort zone does not let you grow. The hack here is don’t be afraid while stepping out of the comfort zone. Think of it as an opportunity for growth and learning. Try to step out of your comfort zone try and learn new things, encourage challenges and take risks. Volunteering to step out of your comfort zone helps in boosting your self esteem as well.

3. Remember your strengths: Nobody’s perfect and everyone has weaknesses. What you need to do is instead of crying about your weaknesses, try to remember and focus on your strength. Identify the fields in which you do really well and focus on your strengths to make it even better. Building self-confidence strategies work really well when you start paying attention to your strengths.

4. Practice Self- Compassion: While running towards your goals, focus on learning new skills. But don’t forget to be kind and compassionate towards yourself. Whenever you face a movement of failure or self-doubt, don’t be rude towards yourself. Motivate yourself just as if you will motivate your friend who is going through a rough phase. Shower yourself with the understanding and kindness. Self-compassion also helps you in overcoming self-doubt. Remember, we are not machines and we can’t be perfect all the times.

5. Reward Yourself: No matter how small or minimal your achievements are, don’t forget to celebrate them. Always give credit to yourself for doing something good, for learning a new skill, for stepping out of your comfort zone, for speaking up and for taking a step towards building self-confidence. Celebrate your achievements and remember the hard work that you have put in. Recognizing your own success helps in boosting self-esteem and it works as motivation.

6. Surround Yourself With the Right People: Surround yourself with people who talk positive. Surround yourself with people who are there to motivate you and appreciate you and your efforts. Don’t be around people who have a negative point of view for everything. Have friends and make such a circle of people who believe in your potential. If needed, you can also take help of mentors who help you to pursue your dreams. They also turn out to be a good source of motivation and strength. Remember, building self-confidence strategies will not work if you are surrounded with negative people and their negativity. So preach positivity and be around positive people.

7. Create Feasible Aims: Set goals which are achievable and realistic according to your present situation. Do not overwhelm yourself with large chunks of task. Break your larger goals into smaller ones which are manageable. Don’t forget to celebrate your progress on the way as it give a boost to the brain. Another benefit of setting realistic goals is that you are actually able to achieve them. It gives a sense of accomplishment to your brain and in return it fuels your momentum for confidence. Incorporate these self-confidence tips in your daily life. You will, for sure, see a positive difference.

8. Don’t be Afraid of Failures: Failures are not the final destination of your life. Don’t take failures on your heart and just take it as an opportunity and learn from it. Failure is a part of the process and no one has succeeded without failing at least once. On the way towards building self-confidence, don’t let the failure demotivate you. Look at it as a path of self discovery. The best way to beat failure is to learn from your mistakes. Change your approach and use it as an experience. After failing, at least now you know “what not to do” and that makes a huge difference. Overcoming self-doubt is not easy but by practicing the above given approach, you can definitely achieve it.

Very few people are born with self confidence, but most of us have to learn it. It is something we can develop with time, practice, perseverance and self-belief. By overcoming the negative self talk, appreciating your achievements, stepping out of your comfort zones, taking help of your supportive friends, etc. we can definitely overcome self doubt and reach our full potential. Be consistent. Learn your work, trust in your abilities and believe in yourself. Building confidence does not happen in one day but one day, it definitely happens and when it happens, it unlock the possibilities of a future that is nothing but bright. Good luck ! Avatar

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